This week, we hear from Ashley Caruso. Another wonderful part of Team Durango. Ashley is from Florida and became a YAV after attending the NYG as a participant. You'll find her wonderful story and insights below.
What made you decide to apply to be a YAV?
I decided to apply to be a YAV because of my experience as a participant. I came home closer to God, my youth group, and myself. I wanted to pass that joy on to someone else. I wanted to see kids enjoy the gathering just like I did when I was a participant.
What were you expecting being a YAV would be like?
To be completely honest, I was scared to DEATH to be a YAV. I heard that it was a lot of work, a lot of responsibility, and A LOT of stepping out of your comfort zone. I happen to like my comfort zone and was VERY apprehensive about stepping outside of it. I was hoping that I would experience that amazing "God moment" like I did as a participant but was skeptical that I would considering how busy we would be.
What was the most overwhelming moment you experienced at the Gathering?
The most overwhelming part of the gathering was the mass event on Tuesday night when they were discussing distractions and how they get in our way of our relationship with God.I was having second thoughts about being at the gathering. I had actually considered going home because I felt like I didn't belong. That I was not good enough to be here with all these amazing believers of Christ. I had screwed up a lot this past year and had fallen away from God, my family, and friends. I had pretty much turned my back on everything that was important to me. I was in an abusive relationship that totally consumed me (in a bad way). I thought that was the type of love I deserved. I moved out of my parents' house, moved in with this abusive guy, got engaged, lost 2 jobs, and left my church. These things were huge distractions and kept me from my loving Savior. I really broke down and pretty much just laid all those distractions down at God's feet. Mia Koehne spoke about her struggles with looking for empty love. That's where I was a year ago. It was also overwhelming to have my little brother, Steven, there as a participant. He got to experience that HUGE weight of distractions lifted off my shoulders and put onto the shoulders of Christ as he died in my place on the cross.
Where did you see God's love the most during your week at the Gathering?
I think I saw God's love most in the people of San Antonio. They were so happy we were there and were so happy and willing to help if any of us were in need. I think the story that sticks out in my mind is when I got to speak to one of the ushers at the Alamodome. His name was Alex and when I first started talking to him, he seemed pretty skeptical about us "Christian Youth". He was there on Thursday night when we were writing down our sins and laying them at the cross. He left the stadium and stepped into the hallway while we were doing this. We continued worshipping and Alex stepped back in. We came to the part where we turned to the person next to us and told them that their sins were forgiven. I went over to Alex and told him that Jesus had died so that we might live and that his sins were forgiven. He broke down and said that he needed to hear that and that he is going to start going back to church. WOW!! What an awesome testament to God's love.
What would you tell someone to convince them to apply to be a YAV in the future?
I've already started recruiting YAVs for the 2016 gathering in New Orleans, LA! I've been telling them about the bonds that are formed, the awesome experiences I had, the fact that you get to be there 2 days early, and all the AMAZING events that you get to see from a different perspective. I think your heart really has to be in it to volunteer, but it is so amazing that it would be CRAZY to miss out on something this awesome.
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