
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Volunteer Hearts (Part 1)

If you read my post from a couple of day's ago (HERE), you may remember that I was a volunteer in San Antonio for the LCMS National Youth Gathering. It was my second time doing so and loved it even more. I worked with an incredible team of people and wanted to share their reasons for volunteering and see what God put on their hearts while working at the Gathering for a week.

To give you a general background of what I did, here is a short explanation. Orange Nation (as we are called due to our orange shirts) consisted of nearly 500 volunteers all between the ages of 18-25. We worked in every aspect of the Gathering from traffic control, ushers at events, coordinating games, concerts, etc.  In essence, we helped to make sure the events that the coordinators had planned ran smoothly. I was Team Captain of Team Durango. We were Mass Event ushers everyday throughout the week.

I have asked my team to answer a few questions and send them back to me. First off is Rachel Duensing. 

(To clarify, YAV stands for Young Adult Volunteer)

What made you decide to apply to be a YAV?

I had been to two gatherings before and had an amazing time so when the time came to be a volunteer I didn't want to pass it up. My sister had been a YAV and loved it so I knew that if I had to opportunity to serve I would take it run with it.

What were you expecting being a YAV would be like?

I was expecting to be running around stressed out and trying to help everyone in sight. I was pleasantly surprised when my group was asked to help during the day by running around the convention center and the city of San Antonio yelling and cheering trying to get kids pumped up for the gathering. My duties as a mass event usher were a bit stressful but so much fun. It was great meeting all these kids and being able to worship along with them! 

What was the most overwhelming moment you experienced at the Gathering?

It was definitely overwhelming during the mass event where Jessica, the young woman in a wheelchair, was sharing her story. That was overwhelming in a good way because it is then when I realized that if she can overcome two comas and still have a positive attitude, I can get through the struggles in my life.

Where did you see God's love the most during your week at the Gathering?

I saw God's love through the people of the city of San Antonio. They were all so welcoming and did a great job of dealing with 25,000 youth and all of us volunteers. It was also in the fact that local news stations would do stories on the gathering and all of their viewers would see them! The song says it only takes a spark, and I think that the stories that aired on the news stations may have just been enough to light a spark in some viewers.

What would you tell someone to convince them to apply to be a YAV in the future?

I would tell them to apply because you get to experience and meet new people! When you come as a participant you get to meet new people, but you still spend the majority of your time with your youth group. As a YAV not only do you get to meet participants from other areas, but you work right alongside people from areas you may have never been before and you form a relationship with them. Personally, I came as a volunteer not knowing what to expect, and I left with a family. I wouldn't trade my experience as a YAV for anything in the world! D-U-R-A-N-G-O!

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