
Friday, May 24, 2013

Some Stuff and an Award Nomination?

 It's been Bike to Work Week here in Flagstaff. Why we do it a week after the National Bike to Work Week is beyond me, but I think it has to do something with the wind Flagstaff usually has in the spring. However, it's windy this week too, so what's the point? 
Regardless, I have ridden my bike everyday this week except yesterday (which turned into a great choice because the wind was horrendous and I ended up staying on for a 12+ hour shift. 
 How can you not ride when your view looks like this.

I have put in 319 Kilometers this month. For those less attuned to the metric system, that's a bit over 190 miles this month. Mostly commuting to and from work. My goal is to hit 250 by month's end, which only takes 3 more days of commuting to hit my goal!

I am already feeling a change of health over my sedentary winter lifestyle. I have started going to a sports chiropractor to get this issue with my foot worked out.
Long story short, my foot began hurting about 19 months ago when I ran. It hasn't gone away completely and I am ready to get back running without worrying about making any injury worse. My Chiropractor, Kim Wilkens, works with sports injuries and I was referred by a friend who does Ironman Triathlons. In fact, he doesn't just do them, he annihilates them! He was 21st overall (including the pros), and 7th overall amateur at last week's Memorial Hermann Ironman in Texas. Pretty amazing.

Onto totally unrelated news. Cassie at Sage nominated me for the Liebster award. Pretty sure she hasn't read my blog or she may think differently. ;) Probably because we are dating (full disclosure) and good couples support each other. So, thank you! What is it you might ask? Here you go:
The word "Liebster" is German for the word "sweetheart" or "dearest." This originated from a German blogger and is for up-and-coming bloggers with less than 3,000 followers. Basically it is NOT an award that is given by judges and a panel of experts on the subject of blogging, rather it is an award from blogging peers who consider you worth giving an award to for your blogger personality. It is now for bloggers with less than 200 followers who have potential. The main point and why to get excited about it, is that it is an award to share love and build community with other bloggers.

After being acknowledged, you should...

1. Acknowledge the blog that nominated you in a post.
2. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger created.
3. Tell 11 facts about yourself.
4. List 5 to 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you believe deserve some recognition.
5. Post 11 questions for them to answer.
6. Notify all the bloggers selected that they have been nominated and ask them to pass it on.

11 Questions to answer

1. What motivates you to blog?
  I think having an outlet to voice my feelings, opinions, advice and wisdom for others who might find it helpful is what drives me to blog.

2. How did you get your first name?
 That's a great question that I don't know the answer to. I know that my name (First and Middle) were chosen because of biblical significance, but not sure if that was the main reasoning.

3. What do you think about the phrase, "Let go and let God." What significance does this statement hold for you?
 The lock screen on my phone says "Choose Faith, Not Worry" and I think it is similar. You have to realize that God already has a plan for you and your life is mapped out and if you let things worry you, you aren't trusting in God's great plan.

4. What is your opinion on reality television?
 I like some shows and can't stand others. Some have substance, some are just debaucherous and I try to avoid those, although sometimes it's just nice to watch a show for the pure enjoyment and nothing else.

5. Public school or homeschooling (even if you are not a mom), and why?
  How about charter school! I was a public school kid and didn't mind it in the least. There weren't that many options when I was growing up and God knows my parents did not have the time to school me themselves. But, when I become a parent, I want to give my kid the best chance to succeed and that means the best schooling that I can find. At the moment, Flagstaff charter schools are far and beyond the best schools in town and that's where I would want my kids to go if they were growing up here.

6. Today, the church is sometimes portrayed negatively. What do you think we, as Christians, can do to change that portrayal?
 Not be judgmental. Too often we think that by "advising" people that a certain life choice is not God's way, we are doing them a favor. But, in their eyes we are just judging their life choices. Jesus loved the lowest of all people and didn't critique them on their choices. He just loved them and I am pretty sure meeting people where they are and loving them despite any flaws that may or may not be Godly is the best policy for growing the church.

7. Can we pray for you? About what specifically?
 I always need prayer about the future move I am making with Cassie to Missouri. I could also use prayer about a job that I should be hearing back from shortly.

8. If you had unlimited funds, what is the FIRST thing you would buy?
Probably a house for my love and I. As we consider this move to Missouri, that would make life a lot easier and we could find that house that is going to work perfectly for us.

9. What is your favorite Christian charity? Why?
 World Vision. They do a lot to end poverty around the world. They don't just throw money at the problem but they set up areas of need. They set up offices, hire coordinators, create education programs for both how to farm and more traditional routes like schools for children. They are a long term program in regions needing help and they don't leave until the region is sustainable by itself. They also do humanitarian work when disasters strike across the world and when you look at their financials, they have one of the lowest admin percentages per dollar.

10. What is clinical psychology? (This one is for my own entertainment, many people have misconceptions about what it is and I am going to fix that in a future post!)
Clinical Psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with the assessment and treatment of some form of mental incapacity, be that addiction or other.

11. If you were to have five minutes with God, what would you tell Him?
I would thank Him for everything. I feel so blessed in my life and couldn't imagine how I would survive without His love and support. I don't need to know answers to questions, I just want to be thankful.

11 Facts about Me

1. I have earned quite a few athletic awards including state cyclocross series wins, state championships, qualifications for world triathlon races and age group and overall awards in cycling, running and triathlon.
2. My first bike was a red roadmaster with training wheels that I got when I was 3.5 years old and rode it until I was about 10.
3.I can lick my elbow.
4. In my life I have played a few instruments including, clarinet, violin, drums and most recently, banjo.
5. I have never had a full drink of alcohol in my life.
6. My grandpa has been an ordained minister for 69 years. He is 95 years old.
7. My brother and I are only 18 months apart in age and one year in school and I would always latch on to his friends and he really hated me for it when we were younger. I would even go to sleep overs with him.
8. I started a photography business last year.
9. I have been on 7 or 8 cruises. I've lost count.
10. My number one place to want to see is Nepal.
11.My favorite place in the world is the North Rim of Grand Canyon.



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