
Thursday, May 9, 2013

First Link Up...Gettin Crazy


Unlike my siblings (who I love very much).... I don't work at a bar, don't fight fires (except those in my fireplace) and like the taste of tomatoes.

My best friend says... that I took advantage of his height when we were younger and now he is 6'3" and I'm still 5' 7". He got the last laugh.

People call me... many things. At work alone, my nicknames are "Horchata," "SnackPack," and "Winter Phlegm". Winter phlegm is at least kind of cool as a super villian.

I most often dream... when I'm sleeping. Although I have been caught day dreaming on many occasions.

The best part of my day... used to be Price is Right hour. However, work unceremoniously and quite rudely interrupted my alone time with Drew Carey and those crazy deals!

I really don't understand... why it takes so long to learn instruments. Some people are so good and all I care to do is be a banjo hero.
I get really annoyed... at other drivers. Most of the time. And only when they do crazy things.

There's nothing like a... a sky full of the milky way.

Lately, I can't get enough... my new Columbia jacket. I am tempted to face overheating when the weather warms up just so I can wear it.

One thing I am NOT is... boring. Under my schdedule driven, monotonous work life, I have a lot of cool stories to tell.

I spent too much money on... $.25 toys when I was younger. I always imagine how much I might have saved today if I hadn't been tempted by so many unfulfilling colorful sugar balls.

I want to learn.... spanish. Never had the patience, always wanted to know.

If I ever met Celine Dion, I would... tell her the story of this poem I wrote in High School asking Canada to take her back. Serious.

I can't stop... Won't stop. *Shoulder Shake*

Never have I ever... broken a bone.

Reese Witherspoon... She has her good days and her bad.

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