"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast" -Hebrews 6:19
My prayer for this blog is to be beneficial for anyone who comes across it. By that, I mean I want anyone searching for answers or justification or encouragement to find something in it that speaks to them and answers their prayers. And how can you take anything away from a blog written by someone you don't know anything about.
This post is going to be about me.
My name is Matt Boness. I am a twenty three year old, degree holding college grad from Flagstaff, Arizona. I am a born and raised Lutheran Church Missouri Synod practicing Christian. I am a Youth Leader at the same church that I was baptized and confirmed in. I have one brother who is 17 months older than I am. Two loving parents who are so supportive that I take their smothering for granted sometimes. I own Matt Boness Photography. I am injured at the moment and have been for over a year, but was a triathlete and runner who races for FCA Endurance. I have a wonderful, supportive girlfriend named Cassie, who has good words to say on her blog. And I am far from perfect.
You don't have to believe what I am going to say in this online journal. And I like being corrected if I am wrong because the last thing I want to do is lead someone astray. God has given me a talent to teach. And while I am not a teacher, I enjoy being able to reach people by telling them of what life has taught me.
The name of the blog comes from Hebrews 6:19 "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, sure and steadfast" Now, if you go look it up, it might look a little different. The words, "Sure and Steadfast" come from the King James Version of the bible and the rest of the verse comes from the New International Version. I combined them because I love the imagery from the words sure and steadfast. Along with the anchor, the words sure and steadfast remind me of sailing tradition, along the lines of "Hold Fast." Again, you may be telling your self, "Hey! the name of your blog is Steadfast and Sure! Not, sure and steadfast." And again, you'd be correct. I took some liberty with that as well because I like the flow of the words Steadfast and Sure more. I took the words directly off a tattoo that I have to illustrate the verse from Hebrews. The "Hope" the verse talks about is the hope that Christians have for eternal life. It is our anchor. The anchor to our soul. Our souls can be joyful knowing that we are anchored in Christ and the promise of everlasting life. I think it is a powerful image. God used the "anchor" reference because people in the time just after Jesus' death and resurrection, when Hebrews was written, would have had a more powerful connection to an anchor as a tool used in sailing. They would have had a personal connection to an anchor as they may be fishermen or used boats to travel and God wanted to reach them where they are. God likes to reach us where we are and maybe in this day and age He would use the word "cell phone," since we all seemed to be anchored to that now. But, regardless, He wanted to relate to people and He still does. Something that means a lot to me may not mean that much to someone else and that's ok, because God knows what we need to hear when we need to hear it. He's pretty good at that. You just have to listen.
I am neither a sailor or living around much water for that matter. (Arizona! Hello!) But, I have always loved the idea and romanticism behind sailing and was drawn to this popular verse as a way to remind myself of the hope I always have in Jesus. I challenge you to find a way to remind yourself as well. Maybe tie something around your finger, or post something on your mirror at home. Whatever it is, don't lose sight of the path God has you following. We all may take different ways, but we all can end up in the same place, Heaven.
You have the wisdom of a 70 year old. Is there something you aren't telling me...?